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Zoom into multiculturalism
2009-08-18 09:38:41
I spent 10 beautiful days in Istanbul thanks to some awesome people. Together we learned that you don't need words to communicate (although English definitely helps). I was impressed with how well we got along and how well we managed to understand each other. Every morning after I arrived in Bucharest I expected to see Jesus an Eva holding hands on the hallway. I miss Mark and his witty remarks, Duygu smiling back at me every time we met, Ellis with her beautiful stories about the house she lives in, Luuk and his awesome accent (I think that's why girls put up with you, man), Kazim always trying to make everything perfect for us (and always succeeding), Hamit and the way he could bring joy to everyone's heart. And I won't forget the mornings when I saw Michele doing impossible stretches on the hallway even though I could barely walk straight at those early hours. Sure I can't mention all of you guys and gals, but every now and again I remember something from the time we spent together and I find myself smiling.
I want to thank Alba for teaching me to say "Monica bonita!" - I think this will save me a lot of time on future arguments.
Really, I've come a long way from the first day in the APV (the first visit to Istanbul) when everyone was so nice to me and always offering to help me that I thought they are going to run away with my luggage (really, no offense, I'm just used that when people are that nice they must have an ulterior motive). I feel that the things I experienced in 10 days with you are what I would have experienced in an year without.
I took quite a lot of pictures and I had a hard time deciding on the order I should present them to you. I decided to start with the people, because they were the most important!

Beautiful Romanian girls laughing on a boat

portret, portofoliu, Sorin, peisaj

Portrait of a Dutch blue-eyed girl sitting in the Ortakoy Mosque - Istanbul, Turkey

natura, fotograf, blog, fotografie, portret

Young project participants having a good time on a late summer afternoon

blog, peisaj, Sorin Buturugeanu, portofoliu, fotografie

Turkish participant posing with the national flag on his T-shirt
(Spain, Holland, Italy, Romania, Turkey)

portret, natura, Sorin
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