2006-10-31 16:59:05
If you got my money honey
Then I've got your disease
Bratu Mihnea
2006-10-31 17:24:21
Foarte interesante cadrele. Place mult şi starea ciudată de calm care vine la pachet cu ele. Şi prelucrarea e potrivită, deşi la ultima ar fi fost frumos să mai existe ceva detaliu pe negru. Felicitări.
iordan carmen
2006-10-31 22:00:38
ai o imaginatie foarte bogata, trebuie sa recunosc...
Roxana Ana
2006-11-02 19:23:27
If you got my disease honey, than something's wrong
2006-11-02 21:15:27
Nobody knows who's got what..ever. Who's got the honey, who's got the disease, who's got the something, who's got the me, who's got the wrong.. it's a jungle out there. All you know is that you just don't know.. while you have it. Only when you don't have it anymore, what you don't know you actually do have, you'll know.
2009-07-02 18:27:08
Prea mult negru, nu transmite prea multe informatii, lasa loc prea mult imaginatie, da nu-i rea
Sorin Buturugeanu
2009-07-02 23:29:41
@vizitator-sincer Prea multa imaginatie? Ai spus-o de parca ar fi ceva rau. Sinceritate din spatele anonimitatii .. interesant ..
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